Term 1 Week 4 Newsletter 2025
Important Dates
Feb 25 | 2025 Sacramental Registration (Years 2, 3 and 6) - St. Brigid's - 6.30 pm |
Feb 26 | P&F AGM and General Meeting - All welcome - 6.00 pm |
Feb 27 | Western Region Swimming Carnival - Wellington |
Mar 02 | 2025 Sacramental Registration (Years 2, 3 and 6) - St. Brigid's - 10.00 am |
Mar 05 | Ash Wednesday Mass - School Hall - 12 noon - All welcome |
Mar 13 | School Photographs - Sports Uniform to be worn |
Apr 11 | Last Day of Term 1 |
Vision Statement:
St. Mary's Primary strives to be a welcoming Christ-centred learning community that promotes a quality holistic
education and trusting relationships in a caring and supportive environment.
Acknowledgment of Country: We acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land, the Wiradjuri people, who, long before us, lived, loved, educated and raised their children on this site. We pay our respects to elders past and present, and we recognise the young people who are our future. We acknowledge all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families in our community. We respect their deep physical and spiritual connections to the country through their stories traditions and living cultures.
Character Virtue: C O N F I D E N C E
What it looks like: Confidence helps us not to question ourselves when making decisions and completing tasks and activities.
What it means: Confidence means that we believe we have a lot to offer others, even though we are not perfect.
Why it is important: Confidence helps us to trust our ability to do things well, even in hard situations. Confidence should not be confused with being boastful or arrogant, which can be off-putting because it can make others feel bad or annoyed.
From the Principal

Mr Luke Wilson
Dear Parents,
Welcome to Week 4.
It was great to see so many of our families attend the Information Evening and Welcome Picnic last Tuesday. Those parents who could not attend will have received an outline of the presentation given by their child's teacher on the night.
Our meeting will be held on Wednesday, 26th February commencing at 6.00 pm.
At this meeting, we will officially thank our 2024 P&F Executive. These parents have done a tremendous job over the last 12 months and contributed so much to our school community. We will also elect our President, Vice President and Secretary for 2025. So please come along and support our Parents & Friends Association and your school.
The General Meeting will follow immediately after the AGM.
Safety Tips for Drivers Using the Drop-Off and Pick-Up Zones:
* Always wait patiently in line, drop off or pick up your child from the designated zone, and follow the school’s procedures.
* Drivers should always remain in their vehicles in the Drop-off and Pick-up zone.
* Make sure children use the Safety Door (the rear footpath side door) to get in and out of the car.
* Make sure the handbrake is applied when the vehicle is stationary.
* Always park legally.
* Merge with care when leaving the area.
* Be considerate of our neighbours and ensure our afternoon pick-up line does not block driveways.
* Make sure your children’s school bag and other items are in a safe position, such as on the floor.

Condolences - Our prayers and sympathy are extended to the Alexander family (Mrs Katrina Alexander - 2B Teacher) following the passing of Katrina's mother. May she rest in peace.
Western Region Swimming Carnival - Mrs O’Brien and Mrs Watson will travel to Wellington with our swimming team this Thursday, 27th February.

Best of luck to all of our swimmers:
Tommy Bower, Denham Bruce, Billy Carter, Marlee Cochrane, Maggie Cook,
Neve Cook, Indigo Coyle, Kieran Dixon, Brock Eagleston, Harry Finlay,
Lacey Fox, Georgia Grattan, Lucy Grattan, Slater Gray, Haddie Green,
Stella Hubbard, Zac Jacobson, Louie Knight, Roy Larkin, Ruby Lawson,
Emily Lindsay, Connah Maas, Torah Maas, Sophie McAnally, Eva McArthur,
Lucy McArthur, Georgie Meyers, Hamish Meyers, Millie Morris, Archie Muller,
Logan Nichols, Evie O'Connor, Heidi O'Connor, Jackson O'Connor, Cohen Quigley,
Isabelle Robinson, Jude Sharkey, Diesel Simpson, Frankie Simpson, Tex Simpson,
Matthew Sommerlad, Bashie Sykes, Annabel Williams and Esther Williams.
South Cares Visit (Years 3 to 6) - St. Mary's primary students were treated to a visit from the Souths Cares crew from the South Sydney Rabbitohs NRL team. Some of the players included Rhys Wesser, Yileen Gordon, Ben Lovett, Lindsay Munro, and many more administration and support staff. The primary message from today's visit was to look after our mental, physical, and social well-being, which is a very significant topic. Students rotated through a circuit of activities including a mini skills clinic, a discussion on Social Responsibility and a look at pathways to University study presented by the University of Sydney. Thank you Souths Cares for an engaging, interesting and thoroughly enjoyable experience! Go the Rabbitohs!

Religious Education
Gospel Focus: Love Your Enemies
Luke 6:27-38
Love others, even when it is not easy.
Ash Wednesday - Year 4 will lead us in our Ash Wednesday Mass next week (Wednesday, 5th March) at noon, in our School Hall. We welcome everyone to join us in marking the start of this Lenten season by celebrating this Mass together.
2025 Sacramental Parent Information Sessions - Students in Years 2, 3 and 6 and any student who will be receiving a sacrament this year (including those who may have missed out in previous years) are asked to attend a Sacramental Parent Information session at the start of the year in preparation. This year they will be held on Sunday 23rd February at 10 am, Tuesday, 25th February 6.30pm and Sunday, 2nd March at 10 am in St. Brigid’s Church.
If you have any questions about sacraments throughout the year please contact me via the school office or contact Rosie Hosking, St. Brigid’s Sacramental Coordinator via email at sacraments.dubbo@cdob.org.au
St Brigid's: Saturday - 6pm, Sunday - 9am and Sunday - 6pm
St. Laurence's Church: Sunday - 7.30am
Benji Wiatkowski - 2B For excellent focus in class and writing an outstanding informative text. |
Reggie Green - 2G For always being on task - an amazing learner. |
Aidan Good - 4B For a fantastic start to Year 4. Always looking for ways he can help and improve in the classroom. |
Maggie McCarney - 6B For settling into St. Mary's life with maturity and initiative. |
Congratulations to the following students for gaining 10 points for
their Sports House for exemplary behaviour:
Annabelle Lawson - KB | Isla Wheelhouse - KB | Lake Large - KB | Alfie Bonham - 1G |
Sophie Lew - KB | Hendrick Rawson - 1G | Arshaan Thind - 1G | Charlie Knight - 1G |
Kai Walker - KB | Jimmy Job - 1G | Aubrie Olsen - 1G | |
Florence Scott - 1G | Tommy Bashford - 1G | Harvey Walkom - 1G | |
Nadia Jarry - 1G | |||
Ellie Fardell - 1G |
School Photographs
School Photography Date: 13/03/2025
Dear Parents,
School photography day is coming up soon. Group and portrait photographs can be purchased by following the link below. If you prefer to order using an envelope please visit your school office, collect an order envelope and hand your payment to our photographer on school photo day.
Two easy ways to purchase:
1. Visa, MasterCard or PayPal
2. Cash – complete the envelope supplied and return it to our photographer on photo day
Or visit: www.advancedlife.com.au
And enter online order code: WRP M52 MAB
School photography information:
- Online orders - do not require an envelope returned to your school
- Sibling Photos - Don’t forget to pre-order your sibling photos online up to 24 hours before photo day. We provide your school with a list of sibling orders right up to the day of photography, so no one misses out. If you miss the online order deadline, you can submit a completed sibling order envelope first thing in the morning of the day of photography, so your school is aware you want the photo taken and can bring your children together in time for it. Sibling photographs only apply to children enrolled at your school. Please note not all schools offer sibling photos
- Late fees - a late fee will be applied to each package purchased after photo day due to the additional cost of producing these packages separately
- Package delivery - School photographs will be returned approximately 6 weeks after the day of photography. Please note this delivery timeframe is dependent on proofing and additional photography days at your school.
- Previous Years’ photos - Past years’ photographs including sports, co-curricular and representative groups are also available to order under the “previous years or group photo” tabs at your school’s advancedorder site when you click on the “Order School Photos Here” button above. You can also order past packages, portrait images and gifts from your child’s unique, individual and secure advancedyou image archive site using the unique 9 digit image code found on packages you have ordered in the past
School Fees
Term 1 Fees will be generated and emailed to parents THIS Friday, 28th February and due for payment on Friday, 14th March. If you do not receive an email, please check your SPAM.
If you have an existing Direct Debit with St. Mary's, please email to: k.bywater@bth.catholic.edu.au so we can calculate your new installment for 2025. If you wish to set up a new payment plan, please contact the school office. Thank you.
Community News

Celebrating their birthday this week are:
Charlie Bower, Heidi O'Connor, Ant Haylock, Jack Williams,
Connah Maas, Avneet Thind, Alyssa Thompson, Eloise Larkin,
Layla Madgwick, Ellie Carlow, Blair Longhurst and Chelsea Slade.
We hope you enjoy your birthday!
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Canteen Roster 2025 | |
Tuesday, 25th February | Adam Isbester |
Wednesday, 26th February | Zoe Fox |
Thursday, 27th February | Chris Catelotti and Jackie Pratten |
Friday, 28th February | Michelle Howarth, Hayley Lee and Tiffany Single |
Monday, 3rd March | Kristy Hubbard |
MunchMonitor - We encourage all families to use the MunchMonitor online program for lunch orders.
Volunteers for the Canteen - A Volunteer form - Reply due by this Friday.
Please Note: It is necessary to fill out a new form even if you are on our current roster. Thank you.
School Uniform

The Gallery
School Mass

School Swimming Carnival